Friday, March 30, 2007

Very Impressive Person

He Greets everyone with a smile
And a hardy handshake;
And makes you feel he means it
When he says he's glad to meet you
And he makes you glad you met him.

He walks with a sprightly step
And Speaks with a laugh in his voice
He listens with interest
And speaks with conviction,
And makes you feel you've known him all of your life.

He doesn't seem to try to impress,
Yet he's most impressive.
He never tries pressing to persuade,
Yet you always come away convinced.
He's the kind of guy we enjoy being around
Because he is what we all secretly would like to be-
Someone who enjoys being himself.

-Coach Meyer / Northern U Basketball

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

BLOGGER... Excuse you

Wow---I've joined the 21st century - I have a blog! This is a place to speak my mind on issues, events, and happenings in my life that are changing who I am every day I exist.

A little about me:

I above all things believe in God. I know my life has a purpose and I live with those intentions every day. I am always open to changes and forks in my plans as I know I am not always in charge. I do however think we can determine much of our future by our energy and our thoughts. I know everyone and their mother has read the book, "The Secret" by now, but I believe we are creators of our own universe in so many ways and that with God's free will we are creating things we believe into existence everyday. I've seen this first hand in my own life and continue to believe in these gifts we've been given on earth.

I love orange juice--and cheese. Havarti is probably my favorite cheese in the universe. mmm.

I do comedy - I act - I volunteer - I have a cat and I love my family.

Tune in for thoughts and updates as life unfolds.

